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Resources for Voting in the November 3 Election

How to vote absentee
You can use your absentee ballot to vote in person or by mail. Follow the instructions given to you in the ballot. Remember: you must vote in the presence of one adult witness (who is not a candidate for the election); the witness must sign the certificate and provide their address.
  • In-person (aka early voting): You can return your ballot by hand to your municipal clerk's office on Election Day. Contact your municipal clerk’s office (or locate their website) to learn about your community’s specific early voting options, locations, and hours of operation. You can find your municipal clerk’s contact information here:
  • UPDATE: DO NOT SEND YOUR BALLOT BY MAIL NOW. By mail: Your completed absentee ballot must be received at the clerk's office—not just mailed—by no later than 8pm on Election Day. The U.S. Postal Service recommends absentee ballots be mailed one week before Election Day to arrive in time.


IF YOU PLAN TO VOTE IN PERSON: please be prepared to do so as efficiently as possible while observing social distancing at 6 feet! Below is the information you need to know before arriving:

Find My Polling Place -- A number of polling locations have changed due to the pandemic. Please check yours before going to vote! 

What Do I Need to Vote? -- Make sure you remember your valid photo ID.


Deadlines for Requesting an Absentee Ballot

UPDATE: The deadline to request an absenttee ballot has passed. See above on how to cast your absentee or in-person ballot.
Due to the pandemic, we encourage all voters to vote absentee if possible. For the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 general election: for most voters, your ballot request must be received by 5pm on Thursday, October 29. Request one today to avoid mail delays and mix-ups!

How to request an absentee ballot

    2. Fill out your name and date of birth.
    3. Upload a picture or file of your acceptable voter ID.

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